Christians have been directed by God to be stewards over His Creation. We have been given the mission of protecting and defending all creatures great and small. We have been admonished to teach stewardship to others.

If we are truly Christians with a capital “C” and not pretend christians with a little ‘c’, then we are obligated to God through Christ to do everything in our power to stop the DESTRUCTION OF CREATION.

If you would like to know more about Christian Stewards, please send us an e-mail at

George H. Russell, an outspoken opponent of the death penalty, is a resident of Huntsville, Texas, known worldwide as “The City of Death.”

He is founder of The Patriot Network, and author of its 35+ web-sites located at, as well as founder of The Universal Ethician Church, an interfaith ministry with a worldwide following via the church’s 275+ web sites located at

Russell, born in 1945, is an educational video producer, environmental activist, historic preservation specialist, photographer, art and antique collector, philanthropist, American patriot and ethician.

Additional biographical information may be found in "Who’s Who in America," through Internet searches, and in other publications. Images of Mr. Russell suitable for downloading for publication may be found at

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