Print out this form and mail it, along with your donation, to:

Universal Ethician Church Mission

1401 19th Street

Huntsville, Texas 77340

Questions? E-mail us at

With your help we can and will succeed in protecting and preserving God's Creation for all generations to come. God will bless you for helping to make a better world for all of the Earth's inhabitants. Your investment in the future health, welfare, and survival of the human species and all of God's Creation which call Planet Eden home will make you an angel in the eyes of God.

Yes, I do want to make God happy. Please accept my tax-deductible contribution for use in doing God's work as follows:

____$25.00 will sponsor this web site for one month.

____$50.00 will help us purchase enough of God's remaining forest land to give a home to a raccoon family.

____$100.00 will preserve and protect one of God's towering oaks and provide homes for squirrels and many species of birds as well as acorns for deer.

____$250.00 will allow us to send the video "Saving Forest Ecosystems" to 10 schools or churches of your choice.

____$500.00 will help us to reach out to 1,000 people or more to spread the message of God's continuing commandment to protect Planet Eden.

____$1,000.00 will help in our goal of purchasing land for America's first Wilderness Cathedral.

____$2,500.00 will permanently protect an acre of God's remaining untrammeled wild
lands and give homes to hundreds of plant and animal species, which will die without homes.

____$5,000.00 will assure at least five gold stars in God's Book of Life for your dedication in helping save lives both now and in the future.

____$10,000.00 will help provide a refuge for God's deer, foxes, raccoons, eagles, pelicans, and hundreds of other species.

____$25,000.00 will help us build a living ark dedicated to the Glory of God and His children.

____$2,500,000.00 will completely pay off the debt on America's first Wilderness Cathedral and provide you with a beach cottage which looks across the waters toward God's living Ark.

In the event you wish to earmark your contribution to God's work to a specific cause and a specific amount please indicate how you would like for us to apply your gift.

Please accept my love offering in the amount of $__________________________.

My desire is that my gift will be used to work toward accomplishing ________________________________________________________________________
For the Glory of God.

Yes! I would like to help!

____Check Enclosed

Please charge my ____Visa ____Mastercard

____American Express ____Discover Card

Card Number:___________________________

Expiration Date:__________________________


The Universal Ethician Church is a 501(C)3 Church.

Your tax-deductible contributions are greatly appreciated.

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