American patriots come in all colors, shapes, religions, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Many have given their lives in defense of the good and wonderful things that America stands for. Others have dedicated countless hours making striving to keep America pure and strong.

Here are a few of the contributions which real American patriots have made in defense of freedom, our quality of lives as Americans, and our nation’s future as ‘AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL’:

1. American patriots fought against the tyranny imposed upon them by King George.

2. American patriots spoke out against repression of our Native Americans.

3. American patriots spoke out against slavery, bigotry, and hatred.

4. American patriots have worked for world peace.

5. American patriots defended the world against the tyranny of Hitler.

6. American patriots established orphanages, hospitals, food banks, homeless shelters, and counseling services.

7. American patriots have worked to protect the quality of our air, water, forests, soils, and all that which God has loaned up to keep America healthy and strong until the end of time.

8. American patriots have worked to tame the beast of hatred and terrorism which has infected the planet.

9. American patriots have sacrificed their lives to save others.

If you would like to honor an American Patriot by sending us a short description of his or her honorable and ethical contribution to preserving and protecting America the Beautiful and all of those good and honorable qualities which America stands for please feel free to do so. Your nominee may be either amongst the living or from amongst those great American patriots who have passed to the ‘promised land’.

I will begin by nominating two of my favorite American patriots:


Houston loved and respected Native Americans and their culture. He loved God’s Creation and was one of the few men of his day who did not destroy the native forests around his homestead. He sacrificed his governorship to take a stand against the continuation of slavery.


Fritz had dedicated several decades of his life to promoting democracy, world peace and the protection and preservation of God’s Creation. He has worked toward bringing an ethical awareness about America’s dependence on a healthy biosphere for our future as a strong and free nation to our elected officials, our courts, and our citizens. The Red-cockaded woodpecker was pulled from the brink of extinction by the efforts of Ned Fritz.

American Patriots is sponsored by George H. Russell.

For more information about American patriotism please go WWW.AMERICANPATRIOTPARTY.ORG

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